Keep Your Workplace Clean
Whether you need a daily or weekly cleaning service for your business. Our cleaning system sets us apart. We are fully bonded, insured and have passed all city Background checks and registered for all valid Business Licenses to perform all types of cleaning. We provide eco-friendly services that work and keep your business clean, right down to the little details. This extensive cleaning system, call Go Cleanex Plus System, has been proven to be effective in many of our clients!
How does our apartment cleaning program work?
After getting in touch with us. We assigned you to an account manager who will assist you throughout the entire process from getting your quote to a post-service follow-up. All Commercial Cleaners who come into your facility must signed a Confidentiality Agreement to protect your crucial information. Before every cleaning an initial inspection report is performed by your cleaning team that outlines any material damages or changes to your account manager. After your cleaning checklist has been completed, a quick follow-up is made by your account manager with your cleaning team to ensure your expectations have been exceeded.
Every time we clean, we’ll provide Go Cleanex Plus services and multiple options that can be customized for your business needs:
- Desk Cleaning Dusting: a damp microfiber cloth to wipe down all surfaces. Remove your papers, file folders, calendars, stapler and other objects so you can wipe down your desk. Don’t overlook areas like power strips behind your desk, fan blades, the top of your monitor or the tops of picture frames, electronics and screen cleaning, removing trash and recycling
- Carpet / Hard Floor Cleaning eco-friendly products and hypoallergenic for your carpet and hard floor
- Window cleaning window sill cleaning and all natural and eco-friendly products that leaves your windows shining
- Touchless Electrostatic Disinfection Electrostatic spraying is a new leading technology in the cleaning industry. It is applied with proper protocols and comply to with the registered chemical claims and regulatory guidelines for worker safety